Electronic Arts (EA) finally released new details regarding its next-generation action RPG, Dragon Age 3 Inquisition. The third game of the Dragon Age series received a web...
Deus Ex: The Fall is an upcoming mobile title from Square Enix. This action-stealth game is set in the Deus Ex universe and the plot follows James Swallows...
The stealth genre will receive a huge boost with the comeback of the Thief series. Eidos Montreal and Square Enix have announced that the release of...
Masahiro Sakurai, lead designer of the original Kirby character and Super Smash Bros announced yesterday that fans will get a glimpse of the next iteration in...
The mysteries behind the upcoming Square Enix’s title, Murdered: Soul Suspect, have been finally unveiled through a detailed announcement trailer. Besides the promise of a thrilling...
Mojang have announced that Scrolls, a game first announced back in 2011, will be available to the public on June 3rd. It’s worth noting that this...
Blackbird Interactive, the folks behind the upcoming Hardware have put out another trailer detailing the lore of the game’s universe. Specifically, the trailer pertains to the...
The developers of Batman: Arkham Origins today unveiled the first trailer for the upcoming game. Unfortunately it’s a mere teaser trailer, and so it weighs in...
Ubisoft have announced that fans will be able to get their hands on a collectible Blackbeard figurine via the company’s online store. In addition to the physical figurine,...
The team behind Saints Row IV today released another trailer detailing some of the superpowered gameplay that will feature in the title. In this iteration of...