Featured as one of the hottest games of the year ahead for PS3 consoles (and don’t worry, I know from solid sources that it will also...
Today we continue our preview of the year ahead – we’ve already looked at the 10 hottest PC games to be released in 2009, and now...
Resident Evil fans would probably be a lot happier if they had an Xbox 360 console, because Capcom decided to announce release an exclusive RE5 demo...
Just as I’ve promised yesterday, this first week of 2009 is the week of stats and lists and Capcom is the first company we’re going to...
One of the most anticipated and hyped horror games of the moment is Resident Evil 5, a game that is reported to deliver quite a few...
400 people are involved in the production and development of Resident Evil 5. Four hundred! Just about 20 years ago, games were developed by one or...