In 2013, Naughty Dog stole the hearts and souls of gamers worldwide with The Last Of Us. This post-apocalyptic game portrayed the perfect balance of emotionally...
Since it’s showing at E3 2016, PlayStation 4 exclusive, Spider Man has gradually worked it’s way up to be one of the most anticipated and desired...
No Man’s Sky has been quite possibly one of the most anticipated titles over the past year. The massively open-world game set throughout the far reaches...
During Bethesda’s conference at E3 2016, much to the delight of many gamers, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition was announced for PS4, Xbox One...
Since Square Enix released the rebooted series’ sequel, Rise Of The Tomb Raider as a timed Xbox exclusive, PlayStation players have been eagerly awaiting their chance...
A revamped version of 2K’s marvellously gory and rather psychotic game series, Bioshock is quite possibly one of the worst kept secrets over the past year....
PlayStation 4’s next firmware update, v3.50, will introduce the ability to ‘Remote Play’ onto PC and Mac. The feature will allow players to stream their PS4...
Halo 5: Guardians, the first original game of the series on Xbox One, has stormed to the top of the UK All Formats Chart. The game...
FIFA 16 has unsurprisingly launched at the top of the UK All Formats Chart this week. Whilst EA’s football game did perform as expected, the physical...
The Hitman reboot has been delayed to March 2016, IO Interactive has announced. The game was initially scheduled for release on the 8th December this year...