Studio Monolith Productions Announced earlier last month that they’re currently working on a next-gen Lord of the Rings game titled Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Studio...
To the dismay of many fans, Activision has told Game Informer that they still own the Crash Bandicoot IP despite the compelling rumors poised by Reddit...
This year has been quite the roller coaster for next generation consoles. Initial reports of always-on internet requirements kept a lot of gamers off of the...
Microsoft has proudly announced that their latest next-gen system has sold 1 million units worldwide. “We are humbled and grateful for the excitement of Xbox fans around...
Microsoft has revealed that Insomniac’s latest effort, Sunset Overdrive, will launch sometime in 2014. In a post on Xbox Wire, which celebrates the console’s launch, Microsoft...
A plethora of unhappy customers have been experiencing several issues with their Xbox One. A prevalent problem with console launches, the Xbox One seems to be...
According to a report today from United Kingdom trade site MCV, Sony might be prepping an “Ultimate” PS4/PS Vita bundle set for release sometime in December...
All signs point to Sony buying the Crash Bandicoot IP from Activision. In a compelling Reddit post by cocobandicoot, several interesting things have been discovered that...
President Tony Bartel has revealed earlier today, in a conference call, that the videogame retailer has completely sold all of its PS4 stock, and that there...
With the release of both the Playstation 4 and the Xbox ONE imminent there has been a lot of information and speculation flying around about the...