The upcoming Tom Clancy’s The Division will take the RPG genre to a new whole level through an “online, open-world, role-playing experience where exploration and player-progression...
The Saboteur, Pandemic’s last title is not one of a company that knew that its doors will be shut down. No, the game is a really...
Pandemic’s upcoming title The Saboteur still hasn’t stepped up on the stage, in the spotlights, but this doesn’t mean that it’s not an exciting, promising computer...
Pandemic is clearly a studio that’s not scared by the busy holiday release schedule and they’re throwing their high quality title right in the middle of...
With the release of Lord of the Rings: Conquest so close, the game being scheduled for release on January 16 for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3...
Although not the most popular game of recent times, Mercenaries 2 has quite some fans who were pleased to know that a cool downloadable content pack...
Mercenaries 2 has everything a game needs to be considered a jewel: it’s the sequel to a chart-topping title – Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, it comes...