The crazy, fast paced multiplayer game from Paradox, The Showdown Effect, has received a free content update (probably of many to come), offering us two brand...
The multiplayer version of Legends of Aethereus is the new release from ThreeGates. The multiplayer beta for this indie action RPG, which features four player co-op and...
Square Enix have launched a string of DLC packs for the PC release of Tomb Raider. Unfortunately none of these expand on the single-player, instead being totally...
Creative Assembly has announced a new free-to-play MOBA title at last week’s Game Developers Conference, Total War: Arena. The new game will feature 10 v 10 battles but instead of...
The great game from Paradox and Arrowhead, The Showdown Effect, has been fully released today, bringing us the intense action of the action movies of the...
Today Bohemia Interactive released a post regarding the the testing of their upcoming game ARMA 3. From March 5th, gamers will be able to play an...
BioWare is developing a multiplayer mode for Mass Effect 3 and is currently hosting a Community Art Contest that allows players to create and submit their...
I am sure I am not the only one who’s really excited about the prospect of playing multiplayer games in Far Cry 3 and today I...
One thing I would like to talk to you about now in this Battlefield 3 multiplayer features series is soldier specializations and vehicle specializations. There is...
Prepare today to have quite a bit of information regarding Battlefield 3, coming straight from the great Gamescom arena. We have already shown you the great...