Electronic Arts released Heroes of Dragon Age, a Dragon Age franchise title for mobile. The game features main characters from Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age...
Morrigan was one of the main characters in Dragon Age Origins and she is known for being cold, apathetic and egocentric. She is a witch of...
BioWare has recently announced that basically any old character could return to Dragon Age Inquisition, as long as it makes sense in the upcoming narrative. This...
The Witch of the Wilds is finally coming back after the exhilarating events of Dragon Age Origins. What was a simple rumor became a true detail...
The role-playing style has been one of the most popular gaming genres since the start of the video game era, however in the last few years...
BioWare has recently assured that Dragon Age Inquisition is still under development and it will only be released in 2014. Last month, during the annual E3,...
Electronic Arts (EA) finally released new details regarding its next-generation action RPG, Dragon Age 3 Inquisition. The third game of the Dragon Age series received a web...