Mafia City, the game’s theme is based on western Mafia developed by Yotta Game, where the play takes the role of a Mafia Boss. Within the...
It’s been quite a while now since Black Desert Online has been launched, but the MMORPG is as popular as ever, with new players coming in...
There are tons of amazing games out there. As a gamer, you will likely know this first hand. You’ll also agree that games tend to be...
I remember playing Lineage 2 on my PC back when I was younger and all the adult stuff that’s sucking life away from me wasn’t at...
Originally released in 2012, The Secret World was an MMORPG developed by Funcom, creators of Anarchy Online and Age of Conan, among other games. It was a pretty unique...
Neverwinter is focusing a lot on Guild improvements and battles with their upcoming expansion, The Maze Engine: Guild Alliances which allows, just as the name suggests,...
Blizzard shocked the world with the cancellation of Titan, their next-generation MMORPG and poised spiritual successor to World of Warcraft. Seven years into development, and acting...
For those of you that have been living under a rock for the past few years, the PC gaming landscape has been dominated by the concept...
It’s becoming increasingly difficult for MMORPGs, let alone new properties to break out after one game has dominated critically and commercially for 10 straight years. After...
So far, it’s been a rough year for new MMOs. By new MMOs, I mean the only other one that came out just a few months...