From the late 1990s until around 2008, the video game industry was fixated on World War II. Medal of Honor and Call of Duty both began...
The 2010 Medal of Honor reboot and 2012 Medal of Honor: Warfighter were pretty crappy modern warfare first person shooters in a sea of modern warfare first person shooters....
The recently released – and uber-cool – Medal of Honor from Electronic Arts has just received a brand new patch that polishes the game experience even...
The newly released Medal of Honor is an absolutely amazing game, taking the first person shooter experience to a whole new level and proving to be...
Medal of Honor takes shooting simulation to a whole new level of realism and one of the main contributing factors is the huge arsenal the players...
2010 promises to deliver some really high quality computer games to our hard drives, including a bunch o indie games that will certainly rock after coming...
Electronic Arts today revealed that in 2010, Medal of Honor, an all-new first-person shooter game, will introduce the Tier 1 Operator: a relatively unknown entity directly...