Relic Entertainment have announced that Cris Velasco will be composing the score for the upcoming Company of Heroes 2. Valesco is a highly sought after individual...
The Mass Effect Series is probably the best science fiction video game trilogy ever made. The intensity of the story, the development of the characters, the...
A few years back some guy made a chart he titled “RPG Cliché Chart”, purporting to show all the repeating story elements we’ve seen in bestselling...
This contains spoilers from Mass Effect 1 and 2, so if you haven’t already played two of the best games to ever come to any gaming...
Today is possible to play blockbuster titles at budget prices since Microsoft decided to expand their classics roster with Halo 3, Mass Effect and Project Gotham...
Following the official confirmation of Mass Effect 2 people might be tempted to believe that Bioware’s job with the original Mass Effect is done, but that...