Rockstar has filed a lawsuit against the BBC in relation to the corporations’ upcoming drama Game Changer, which focuses on Grand Theft Auto. The 90-minute drama...
A man is suing Sony for $5 million over claims of ‘false advertising’ regarding a claim that Killzone: Shadow Fall’s multiplayer mode ran in a ‘native...
THQ has sued EA and UFC brand owner Zuffa, claiming that the deal for EA’s acquisition of the UFC license was through fraudulent negotiations, according to...
A federal judge has denied Gamestop’s motion to dismiss a class action lawsuit filed over the absence of single-use DLC codes for used games, Polygon reports....
Whether it was mere failure to live up to the hype, a hatred towards its fans, or a cunning attempt at bait & switch, Gearbox and...
Probably the Gods of gaming decided that Take Two had no legal problems for too long, so they decided to come up with something. This time...