Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore is a karaoke game developed on a similar technology to that used in Rock Band. The game was developed by...
Konami has decided to offer a great piece of news for PlayStation 3 fans and announced the release date of the latest Metal Gear Online Expansion,...
Launched in June 2008, Metal Gear Online was received with open arms by PlayStation 3 owners and it appears that it was not something evanescent: Konami...
During the last few years, the battle between Electronic Arts and Konami for the title of the best football simulation game was won by the latter...
We reported yesterday that Yoshitaka Arai told a Japanese newspaper that Konami is looking at the possibility to create an Xbox 360 version for Metal Gear...
First there were the rumors. Then, there were the analysts claiming that it’s just natural. Gaming journalists followed and fans all over the world, all claiming...
Konami have just announced they have signed a few exclusive licensing rights for their upcoming title in the Pro Evolution franchise, one that has been plagued...