The survival horror genre has seen a real boom in recent years, primarily from the indie field. Recently, an indie game called Damned has started to...
The last couple of years have seen a definite resurgence in the survival horror genre. While Resident Evil has abandoned its horror roots, Bethesda has started...
Lately, I spent a lot of time playing this amazing free game, Cry of Fear. A well done horror experience that started as a Half Life...
FDG Entertainment announced today the release date for its upcoming action game for mobile devices, Bloody Harry. This title features an enthusiastic cook and a peculiar...
Shinji Mikami, creator of the Resident Evil franchise recently left the series’ studio open his own Tango Gameowrks. In doing so, he stated ‘I’ve found my focus...
Dead Island Riptide is an upcoming survival zombie game to be released later this month and a new set of screenshots has just been released. This action...
The Last of Us is coming out next month on May 7th. This PlayStation 3 exclusive is categorized as a survival horror action-adventure game and it’s...
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a zombie apocalypse first-person shooter game developed by Terminal Reality and published by Activision. The game’s storyline is a prequel...
In honor of the release of Dead Space 3 for the major consoles I thought I would turn my attention to one of the smaller more...
Rebellion, 4 player co-op, zombies and a Sniper Elite game – well, that’s a recipe for an amazing game, and that’s what we’re about to get...