Sony announced that the Ethernauts’ journey continues with the sixth Legends of Norrath set, Against the Void. Scheduled for release next month, Against the Void pushes...
It’s been a while since I’ve heard about a new PSP exclusive being launched and probably fans of Sony’s handheld were expecting for a bit more...
Today is a really happy day for me, since I managed to get my hands on Prince of Persia, the latest title in Ubisoft’s franchise. I...
We’re really glad to offer you the news regarding the upcoming and highly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII: V-Jump magazine has revealed a brand new character, Sazh...
Although everybody keeps saying that the games industry is still doing great despite the economic downturn and, even more, that Nintendo seems to be completely recession-proof,...
Renting games instead of buying them is slowly becoming a trend because, naturally, people prefer spending less money for the same game experience (and I tend...
Another gift from Microsoft is available to all Xbox Live users: 11 new avatar clothes which are offered for free! It is a selection of everyday...
Although Sony keeps saying that there are no plans for a new PlayStation Portable at the moment, the number of rumors regarding a new handheld from...
Resident Evil fans would probably be a lot happier if they had an Xbox 360 console, because Capcom decided to announce release an exclusive RE5 demo...
Valve has just released a very big patch for Left 4 Dead fixing a number of problems and bringing quite a few improvements to the game....