Data Design Interactive decided that now is the right time to introduce the first “real 3D” game – as they call it – to the Nintendo...
Just like most of the other companies out there, JoWood plans to increase focus on Nintendo’s DS and Wii systems. Therefore, they’ll be testing the market...
DICE has just announced the development of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the sequel to last year’s hit. So get ready to find yourself, alongside the “B”...
Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness – Episode Two is the second episode in the Penny Arcade Adventures, a game based on the...
Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness is an adventure/RPG distributed episodically, based on the webcomic Penny Arcade. The game was developed by Hothead...
Novastrike is a top-down shooter exclusive for the PlayStation 3 consoles via the PlayStation Network. It is a very simple game, but it features high quality...
Starting today, your PlayStation Home experience should be much improved since Sony released a patch for their virtual world, taking Home to version 1.10. Alongside faster...
Here’s a first – a supermodel and super beauty preferring to go to the geeky and nerdy games industry instead of the shiny, pink-ish catwalk! If...
I don’t know if you still remember about the Faith and a .45 project – a crazy FPS developed by Deadline Games, creators of the fun...
With the Oscar Awards ready to kick off, Microsoft decided to deliver some award-winning content too, for the owners of Scene It? Box Office Smash. Delivered...