When it comes to piracy or to making things look like something they’re not, I believe that the Asians are the most inventive – I’ve seen...
Despite the Sims 3 piracy problems and some issues with the Disc Authentication Errors, Electronic Arts managed to strike lucky with the release of the highly...
A new Red Orchestra mod was released, this time by Tripwire Interactive. Titled Darkest Hour: 1944-45, this cool mod finally brings the American forces into play...
EVE Online’s Development Blog gave the first details of a new and upcoming patch for EVE Online, now that Apocrypha has been out for a few...
Details are pretty scarce, but rumor has it that Cryptic might be working on a Neverwinter Nights MMO. The information was not officially confirmed nor denied...
World War II, battle strategies, the Allied, German and Soviet forces – these are anything but stranger to a gamer with at least some basic experience...
Today’s free flash game of the day is The Pretender, a great platform/puzzle game for those who are not afraid of getting their brain tied in...
The free to play, 2D MMORPG Destiny Online is receiving the first expansion pack, The Power of Crimson from developers Ingle Games. The expansion is set...
Even though Christmas is not even close, a huge game like EA Play’s The Sims 3 can generate some great ideas, no matter what season it...
Pastel Games is one of my favorite game developers and I totally enjoyed their work until the release of Morbid – a black and white, hand...