Initial D: Extreme Stage is a racing game developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3 and, at the moment of writing, only available in Japan. The game...
High Velocity Bowling is a bowling game available via the PlayStation Network only. The game is the result of in-house development, being developed and published by...
Heavenly Sword is a successful action-adventure game with hack and slash elements that introduced the beautiful Nariko. The game was developed by Ninja Theory and published...
I’ve heard a fair share of stories regarding gaming marathons that ended horrible (the most recent being an Wrath of the Lich King marathon), but until...
Forget about Colin McRae: DiRT right now since things are going to get bigger and better: a sequel has been announced by Codemasters, DiRT 2 going...
If you love the games in the Final Fantasy franchise and, even more, games that feel a lot like Final Fantasy, you’ll surely enjoy The Last...
Promising and very good looking adventure game Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals has reached gold status today, which means that soon we’ll be able to embark...
Have you followed the list of “to do” things in the New Xbox Experience? If you did, this means that you already have your own avatar...
A while ago we have reported that Activision was sued by THQ because of visible similarities between the cover arts of two games: SCORE International Baja...
It was a while ago when Google decided to try its hand at online gaming and Second Life cloning and it created Lively, a pretty interesting...