We’ve got some great news for fans of Jules Verne’s fiction: Microids have decided to create a new game based on the successful novel The Mysterious...
The fact that Square Enix’ The Last Remnant was released less than 10 days ago doesn’t stop the developers plan the release of downloadable content starting...
I am sure that most of the people playing Gears of War 2 never felt the need for a patch, but Epic did and that proves...
With the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV hitting the stores next week, we’re going to find out more and more cool details, some of...
With the release of the new PlayStation 3 firmware update (which brings it to v2.53), Sony brings a lot of changes to make your PS3 experience...
Ten years ago developers considered games for the female demographic a waste of time and resources but now things have changed and they seem to have...
Probably few of you have played the previous New Star Soccer game – I know I found it by mistake, but I was completely blown away...
We have reported that numerous unhappy gamers had no way of progressing through their Tomb Raider: Underworld game on the Nintendo Wii console because of a...
Although not really a huge surprise, judging from the immense success the original game had, but Ubisoft has officially announced the development of Assassin’s Creed 2,...
This week is clearly a great one for PlayStation 3 owners since the PS Store has been updated and, along with a few promotional prices on...