One thing is clear: Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC is broken and, having in mind that the only possible solution we found for the...
I must admit I am shocked: not one, but two things that should’ve never happened just happened and both are related to what I considered to...
Today, No Doubt will enter the history books… or at least Rock Band’s history books, since the recently released “The Singles 1992-2003” featuring 13 No Doubt...
Formerly direct adversaries, Mario and Sonic teamed up and the result was incredible: high quality games enjoyed by millions of gamers. So it’s only fair to...
Spore is topping some charts no game developer wants to see their title in: the most pirated games of the year. Also, Maxis is the most...
Since the popular Guitar Hero franchise is still generating obscene amounts of income to Activision, developing a similar game that focuses on another highly popular music...
If we are to pick just one of the reasons why the Nintendo Wii console is enjoying such success, we’d clearly pick the motion sensing capabilities...
Hollywood actress Sigourney Weaver seems to know a thing or two about video games – or at least she has no instant allergic reaction to them...
Nintendo seems to believe that sometimes we might want to do something else than playing games and they decided to come up with a hard to...
After the successful release of the World of Warcraft expansion, everybody would be tempted to believe that other developers of high profile MMO games will throw...