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Granblue Fantasy: Tier List



granblue fantasy

Granblue Fantasy is an incredible achievement in mobile gaming, engaging players around the world with its immersive gameplay and compelling story. At the heart of this digital realm is a key feature: the layer list. This trivial feature provides players with invaluable guidance in building formidable teams to overcome the challenges of the game.

What is a tier list ?

Granblue tier list

At its core, the level list acts as a hierarchical ranking system that classifies characters based on their perceived combat efficiency. The grades are assigned a specific grade, from S-level (representing powerful and versatile characters) to lower grades such as A, B, C (indicating varying degrees of power and utility).

Tier List Breakdown

Characters like Gran, who balance stats with versatile abilities, rise to the top due to individual stats like attack, defense, agility, and magic ability, as well as special skills and teamwork and now niche-focused characters like Charlotte can be relegated due to activity in particular.

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S-Tier (Top Tier):

Lucio – Known for his high damage output and utility, Lucio is a top tier character with the power of offensive and defensive abilities. His ability to provide significant buffs and debuffs makes him a valuable asset in any team composition.

Zooey – Zooey’s mutant abilities and powerful damage-dealing skills place her among the elite of S-tier characters. With his ability to transform and unleash devastating attacks, he is a force to be reckoned with in any battle.

Vajra – Vajra’s versatile skill and high damage potential make it stand out at S-level. His ability to dish out massive damage while providing team support ensures his place in the top tier of Granblue fantasy characters.

Grimnir – Grimnir’s skill with wind magic and powerful offensive powers earn him a spot at S-level. His ability to dominate the battlefield with devastating attacks and belligerent favorites makes him a formidable opponent in any encounter.

Shiva – As a basic fire beast, Shiva boasts immense power and devastating attacks that earn his place in the S-level. His ability to deal massive damage and provide valuable buffs to allies makes him a cornerstone of many top teams.

Also Read: LoL ARAM Tier List: Best Champions Ranked Players

A-Tier (High Tier):

Siegfried – Siegfried’s formidable sword and defensive abilities make him a standout at A-level. His ability to withstand aggressive attacks and deal massive amounts of damage makes him a reliable asset on any team.

Anila – Anila’s expertise in fire magic and animal abilities places her among the top tier characters in Granblue fantasy. His ability to boost his team’s attack power and provide healing makes him an invaluable addition to any team.

Europa – As an aquatic primal animal, Europa excels in offense and defense, earning a place at A-level. His ability to control the battlefield with powerful water-based attacks and love defense makes him a versatile and dangerous opponent.

Metatron – Metatron’s angelic abilities and versatile skills make him a formidable force at A-level. Able to heal allies, provide buffs, and damage enemies, he is a valuable asset in any team formation.

Mahira – Mahira’s knowledge of earth magic and the ability to help make her an excellent choice for A-level. His ability to boost his team’s defense and provide powerful buffs makes him an important addition to any team.

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B-Tier (Mid Tier):

Lancelot – Lancelot’s agility and swordsmanship placed him at B-level of characters. While not as powerful as S or A-level characters, his ability to deal consistent damage and provide support to his allies makes him a valuable addition to any team

Narmaya – Narmaya’s proficiency in Duel Dark Magic earns her a B-level spot. The devastating attacks he activates and the flexibility of the fight make him a formidable opponent in any encounter.

Scathacha – Scathacha’s proficiency in dragon magic and threat abilities puts her in the B-level of the characters. His ability to deal damage and provide support to allies despite the high power of S or A-level characters makes him a valuable asset in any team formation

Yuel – Yuel’s knowledge of fire magic and the ability to help make him an outstanding B-level character. His ability to heal allies, provide buffs, and damage enemies makes him a versatile and valuable addition to any team.

Fairy – Fairy’s knowledge of psychic magic and the ability to help her get a B-level spot. Able to summon spectral allies, provide buffs, and damage enemies, she is a versatile and valuable asset in any team formation.

Also Read: Best DPS Tier List in Final Fantasy XIV

C-Tier (Low Tier):

Zeta – Zeta’s proficiency with spears, fire and magic puts her at C-level of characters. While he has a decent amount of attack power, he lacks many of the features and abilities of upperclassmen.

Vira – Vira’s swordsmanship and dark magic skills earn him a C-level spot. While he has some offensive powers, he lacks the versatility and power of the upper classes.

Lilele – Lilele’s musical talent and supporting skills landed him a C-level of grades. While he can provide buffs and heals to his teammates, he lacks the offensive power and versatility of the upper classes.

Rosetta – Rosetta’s knowledge of water magic and the ability to help her get a C-level spot. While he can provide buffs and heals to his teammates, he lacks the offensive power and versatility of the upper classes.

Yodarh – Yodarh’s expertise in martial arts and air magic ranks him C-level among humans. While it has some offensive powers, it lacks the versatility and power of the upper classes.

D-Tier (Bottom Tier):

Almeida – Almeida’s expertise in mechanical and earth magic earns him a spot on the characters’ D-level. While he has some offensive powers, he lacks the versatility and power of the upper classes.

Teenager – Tina’s skill with the stick and ability to assist put her in the D-level of the grade. While he can provide buffs and heals to his teammates, he lacks the offensive power and versatility of the upper classes.

Feather – Proficiency in feather spear and wind magic gives characters D-level status. While it has some offensive powers, it lacks the versatility and power of the upper classes.

Chloe – Chloe’s bow proficiency and assist ability places her in the D-level of characters. While he can provide buffs and support to his teammates, he lacks the offensive power and versatility of higher-ups.

Dante – Dante’s skill with the sword and dark magic puts him at the D-level of characters. While it has some offensive powers, it lacks the versatility and power of the upper classes.

This breakdown provides a breakdown of how characters are classified in each category as well as insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness in combat in Granblue Fantasy stories

Strategies for Using the Tier List

Armed with insights gleaned from the level list, players can develop effective strategies for team building and combat. Choosing characters from the top and strategically combining teams with complementary capabilities gives players the chance to maximize their success in game modes including story quests, raiding, and player-to-player combat can be said to be.

Factors Beyond the Tier List

While the level list is an invaluable tool for creating a well-structured team composition, it is important to realize that it is only one success factor in Granblue Fantasy Factors such as player skill, familiarity with character mechanics, and transitioning to dynamic combat situations also plays an important role in winning , Yen Players can drive into the tougher challenges of Granblue Fantasy.


The level list is necessary to guide Granblue’s fantasy. Players can use his insights and strategic skills to win in the ever-evolving digital arena. As the game progresses, so will the level list, reflecting continuous progression and enhancing the players’ gameplay experience.

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Video Games

Smite God Tier List: Best to Worst Gods Ranked




Smite God

Smite, the popular third-person MOBA featuring mythological gods and goddesses from around the world, boasts an ever-expanding roster with over 100 playable characters. Each deity possesses unique abilities, playstyles, and strengths that can greatly impact a match’s outcome.

In this comprehensive tier list, we’ll rank Smite’s gods from best to worst, helping both new and experienced players make informed choices during the drafting phase.

The Smite God Tier List

S+ Tier: The Cream of the Crop

At the pinnacle of our tier list reside the S+ tier gods, whose unparalleled power and versatility make them top picks in competitive play. These deities excel in their respective roles and can single-handedly turn the tide of battle.

Ao Kuang
Ao Kuang
  1. Ao Kuang (Mage) – Ao Kuang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas, stands out with incredible burst damage and mobility. His ultimate allows him to execute low-health enemies, making him a formidable threat throughout the game.
  1. Arachne (Assassin) – Arachne, the Weaver, excels at early game pressure and ganks, thanks to her high base damage and crowd control abilities. Her web traps provide excellent vision control, allowing her team to maintain map dominance.
  1. Chernobog (Hunter) – Chernobog, the Slavic god of darkness, is a late-game hyper carry who can shred through enemy teams with his auto-attacks. His global ultimate makes him highly mobile, allowing him to join fights or escape danger at a moment’s notice.
  1. Pele (Assassin) – Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes, is a relentless assassin with strong sustain and chase potential. Her passive allows her to gain movement speed and damage after using abilities, making her a constant threat in teamfights.
  1. Raijin (Mage) – Raijin, the Japanese god of thunder, is a bursty mid-lane mage with excellent poke and utility. His ultimate can stun multiple enemies, setting up easy kills for his team.
  1. Sun Wukong (Warrior) – Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, is a versatile solo laner who can adapt to any situation. His transformations grant him increased survivability, damage, and mobility, making him a difficult target to lock down.

S Tier: Strong Contenders

Just below the S+ tier are the S tier gods, who are still highly viable picks in both casual and competitive play. While they may have some minor weaknesses, their overall strength and impact on the game are undeniable.

Ah Puch
Ah Puch
  1. Ah Puch (Mage)
  2. Anhur (Hunter)
  3. Ares (Guardian) 
  4. Athena (Guardian)
  5. Baba Yaga (Mage) 
  6. Camazotz (Assassin)
  7. Cthulhu (Guardian)
  8. Freya (Mage) 
  9. Geb (Guardian)
  10. Janus (Mage)
  11. Kali (Assassin)  
  12. Olorun (Mage)
  13. Scylla (Mage)
  14. Thanatos (Assassin)
  15. Thor (Assassin)
  16. Thoth (Mage) 
  17. Ullr (Hunter)

These gods excel in their respective roles and can significantly impact the game’s outcome when played effectively. 

A Tier: Reliable Picks

A tier gods are solid choices that can perform well in most situations, but may lack the overall strength or versatility of their higher-tiered counterparts. These deities often require more skill and coordination to reach their full potential.

  1. Awilix (Assassin)
  2. Bastet (Assassin)
  3. Hachiman (Hunter)  
  4. Hades (Mage)
  5. Izanami (Hunter)
  6. Jing Wei (Hunter)
  7. Mercury (Assassin)
  8. Neith (Hunter)
  9. Rama (Hunter)
  10. The Morrigan (Mage)
  11. Yemoja (Guardian)

Gods like Awilix and Mercury rely on precise timing and positioning to excel, as they have strong single-target damage but lack reliable escape mechanisms. Hades and The Morrigan, on the other hand, require a deep understanding of their kits to effectively outplay opponents and contribute to teamfights.

B Tier: Situational Specialists

B tier gods have niche strengths that can be exploited in specific situations or team compositions, but generally struggle to keep up with the more well-rounded deities in higher tiers.

Baron Samedi
Baron Samedi
  1. Baron Samedi (Mage)
  2. Cernunnos (Hunter)
  3. Chang’e (Mage)
  4. Chiron (Hunter)
  5. Danzaburou (Hunter)
  6. Fenrir (Assassin)
  7. Hou Yi (Hunter)
  8. Hun Batz (Assassin)
  9. Loki (Assassin)
  10. Ravana (Assassin)

These gods may excel in certain matchups or when paired with specific allies, but their overall impact on the game is less consistent than that of higher-tiered deities. 

C Tier: Underperformers

C tier gods have significant weaknesses that hinder their performance in most situations. While they can still be effective in the hands of dedicated mains, they are generally outclassed by the gods in higher tiers.

  1. Bellona (Warrior)
  2. Chaac (Warrior)
  3. Cerberus (Guardian)
  4. Cupid (Hunter)
  5. Hel (Mage)
  6. Nemesis (Assassin)
  7. Odin (Warrior) 
  8. Ymir (Guardian)
  9. Zeus (Mage)

These gods may struggle with mana sustain, lack reliable crowd control, or have kits that are easily countered by the current meta picks. 

D Tier: The Bottom of the Barrel

At the bottom of our tier list are the D tier gods, who are considered the weakest and least viable picks in the current meta. These deities have glaring flaws in their kits or play styles that make them difficult to recommend in most situations.

  1. Artio (Guardian)
  2. Erlang Shen (Warrior)
  3. Persephone (Mage) 
  4. Vamana (Warrior)

Gods like Artio and Erlang Shen have fallen out of favor due to nerfs or shifts in the meta, while others like Persephone and Vamana have kits that are too clunky or situational to consistently perform well.


While this tier list provides a general ranking of Smite’s gods based on their overall strength and viability, it’s important to remember that player skill, team composition, and personal preference can greatly influence a god’s effectiveness in any given match. As the meta evolves and new gods are introduced, the rankings may shift, so it’s crucial to stay informed and adaptable.

Ultimately, the key to success in Smite is to focus on mastering the gods that suit your playstyle and to work collaboratively with your team to capitalize on each deity’s unique strengths. By understanding the current meta and making informed picks during the drafting phase, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the battleground of the gods.

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Video Games

League of Legends Skins Codes, Riot Points, Emotes And Others 




League of Legends

For gamers around the world, League of Legends has become more than just a game – it’s a way of life. Developed by Riot Games, this multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) has captivated millions with its intense gameplay, strategic depth, and an ever-expanding universe of characters and lore. 

However, what truly sets League of Legends apart is the vast array of customization options that allow players to express their individuality and take their gaming experience to new heights. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:


At the heart of League of Legends’ customization ecosystem lie the skins – cosmetic enhancements that transform the appearance of your favorite champions. From sleek and futuristic designs to whimsical and mythical themes, skins breathe new life into these iconic characters, allowing players to showcase their unique style on the battlefield.

Riot Games regularly releases new skins, often tied to specific events, promotions, or in-game updates. Some skins are available for purchase through the in-game store using Riot Points (RP), while others are exclusive rewards for participating in special events or purchasing bundles. 

Unlocking Exclusive Cosmetics With Skin Codes

In addition to purchasing skins directly, League of Legends players can also acquire them using skin codes – unique alphanumeric combinations that can be redeemed on the official website or through the game client. These codes are often distributed by Riot Games during promotional events, partnerships, or as rewards for participating in specific activities.

Some Skin Codes:

  1. 5J6V-DAYM-ZHDE-13G4
  5. H1N4-Q5G6-8CSY-YK0M
  6. DNHV-4DMN-TG2O-4FQ1
  7. 9DKL-4858-9EDV-JNIG
  8. QKUI-3N4L-LO5J-FB2F
  9. E5AL-WV2W-469T-SXYJ
  10. 7BFF-PJPA-88UY-SO3R
  12. HRTJ-FDO4-WZ26-Z7TP
  13. LM0A-3UBN-3WTI-WVA2
  14. TQM2-PK8F-1SPP-O09J
  16. TH72-K1XM-7U2T-VU0J
  17. K61Z-OT3J-XO17-94VA
  19. R60D-ZAAA-CLM9-HM5L

It is a good idea for players to stay updated on the latest skin code releases by following official Riot Games channels and the League of Legends community updates.

Riot Points

Riot Points (RP) are the virtual currency that powers the League of Legends customization ecosystem. Players can purchase RP directly from the in-game store using real-world currency, allowing them to unlock a wide range of cosmetic items, including skins, ward skins, emotes, and more.

In addition to skins, RP can be used to unlock chromas (recolored versions of existing skins), summoner icons, and ward skins, enabling players to further personalize their gaming experience and showcase their unique style on the Summoner’s Rift.


Emotes are animated expressions that players can use during matches to communicate with their teammates and opponents. These emotes range from celebratory dances to taunts and humorous reactions, adding an extra layer of personality and fun to the game.

Emotes can be acquired through various means, including purchasing them with RP, earning them through specific events or challenges, or obtaining them as part of limited-time bundles or promotions. 

Hextech Crafting

League of Legends also features a loot box system called Hextech Crafting. Players can earn Hextech Chests and Keys through playing matches or completing specific missions. These chests can be unlocked using keys, revealing a random assortment of rewards, including skins, emotes, ward skins, and other cosmetic items.

Players can also give away unwanted items from their Hextech Crafting loot to earn Essence, which can be used to craft specific skins or other cosmetic items they desire. 

Limited-Time Events And Promotions

Riot Games frequently hosts limited-time events and promotions in League of Legends, offering players exclusive opportunities to obtain unique skins, emotes, and other customization items. These events often coincide with seasonal celebrations, esports tournaments, or thematic updates to the game.

Limited-time bundles and sales on skins and other cosmetic items are also common, providing players with an opportunity to expand their collection at a discounted price.

Community And Customization Culture

The League of Legends community plays a significant role in the popularity and culture surrounding customization. Players often showcase their rare and unique skins, emotes, and other cosmetic items, fostering a sense of pride and individuality within the game.

Social media platforms and community forums are filled with discussions, fan art, and appreciation for the various customization options available in League of Legends. Players share their favorite skins, discuss upcoming releases, and even create fan-made concepts, contributing to the ever-evolving customization landscape.

Redeeming Codes In League of Legends

To redeem skin codes or other promotional codes in League of Legends, players have two options:

Option 1

  • Log in to the League of Legends.
  • Click on the “Store” button.
  • Click on the “Account” button at the top right corner of the store. 
  • Select “Redeem Codes”.
  • Enter the displayed code accurately and make sure ou double check.
  • Click on “Submit” to redeem the code.

Option 2

  • Open Riot’s Code Redemption page on your browser.
  • Enter the displayed code and select “Redeem Code”.


League of Legends offers a vast array of customization options, allowing players to truly make the game their own. From exclusive skins that breathe new life into champions to emotes that add personality and flair to matches, the world of LoL customization is ever-expanding. 

With Riot Games’ dedication to continuously releasing new content and hosting engaging events, players can look forward to an endless journey of personalization and self-expression on the Summoner’s Rift.

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Video Games

Cheat Code Pokemon Ruby: Full list of codes




Pokemon Ruby

Since the Pokémon craze in the 1990s, cheating has been a common hobby among enthusiasts. 

While all the usual benefits are still present, such as limitless money and Master Balls, committed trainers can now change the nature of wild Pokémon, grant rare ribbons, and capture multiple brand-new legendary creatures.

In this blog, we will give you cheats to help you level up in the game!! P

What To Keep In Mind?

There are only a few things to consider:

  • Naturally, cheating might lead to issues like your game crashing, so before cheating, ensure you’ve saved it.
  • Use no more than two or three cheats at a time to reduce the likelihood of mucking up the game.
  • If you cheat, there’s a possibility that it can permanently ruin your save file, so make sure you’re ready to lose this session.
  • Although it should be enjoyable, cheating carries some risks.
Pokémon Ruby

Full List Of Pokémon Ruby Cheat Codes

Change the nature of wild Pokémon.

  • B294D4AE337
  • 820399940063

Walk through walls

  • E03B0649 5D67050C
  • 78DA95DF 44018CB4

Catch wild Pokémon easily.

  • 6006D97C61CF
  • 47C3AA0DF650

Unlimited rare candies

  • 280EA266 88A62E5C

Change the gender of a Pokémon.


  • 93566C4FFC35
  • 4D888898FAC3


  • 93566C4FFC35
  • 0C8F088E1CB7

Unlimited Master Balls

  • 91B85743 27069397

Complete the Pokédex

  • 767CB1FC DD748434
  • 1285CF69 1834F175
  • DBB87FCA 6276D975
  • 9A732B89 F770B329
  • DBB87FCA 6276D975
  • 1F0A9164 737E93CD
  • DBB87FCA 6276D975
  • 200DBA91 E6D90173
  • DBB87FCA 6276D975

No wild Pokémon encounters

  • 3B0C8C5E
  • 96FB832D

Get all eight gym badges.

  • A12FCE77 0C1EC556

Infinite money

A classic cheat in many video games!

  • E51e97c3 7858e4eb

Special ribbons

  • 2EDE4F48 A6F66EDD
  • CA379D56 09D92928

No wild Pokémon encounters

  • 3B0C8C5E
  • 96FB832D

Get all eight gym badges.

  • A12FCE77 0C1EC556

Special ribbons

  • 2EDE4F48 A6F66EDD
  • CA379D56 09D92928

Receive items on your PC

Receive items on your PC

Full Restore

  • F6d63594
  • 20b33e32

Max Revive

  • 9c51c651
  • 033feef8

Max Elixir

  • 612a0d7a
  • 864b1d29


  • Ef059a66
  • 1b91fa78

PP Max

  • 7a74d52c
  • 460da729

Max Repel

  • 08da1807
  • 097673f4

Escape Rope

  • 088d15f0
  • D5affc6d

Sun Stone

  • 50c1cd99
  • D96b58b4

Moon Stone

  • D708816f
  • C1207eb6

Fire Stone

  • F6aafa8b
  • 4d2c5f22


  • 23abbf10
  • 041ccbbe

Water Stone

  • 45734f06
  • 591ecd99

Leaf Stone

  • F668b3c9
  • 14db1264

Heart Scale

  • 000d4dd5
  • Ebc33f52

Exp. Share

  • B964a353
  • B1c57054

Soothe Bell

  • A5c80201
  • 3e9d4506

Choice Band

  • 75c5c708
  • 8dca058e

King’s Rock

  • F51ea1ac
  • 7e24bb0b


  • 3ebba7a0
  • Ac0a2214

Soul Dew

  • 19144c10
  • 261cef95


  • B3ef8b1c
  • 57681183


  • Ae9eba13
  • Daaa43b8

Scope Lens

  • 3fe077e2
  • B0c72a6f

Dragon Scale

  • E0183894
  • 5392fa0d

Encounter Shiny Pokémon

  • 9839927F5FA2
  • 0987C8AA34A7
  • 4B0560A9F0C3

Then you can enter the shiny Pokémon cheat:

  • 186246439083
  • 098548AEB487

Receive TMs and HMs

Receive TMs and HMs

TM01 Focus Punch

  • 87E1D568 733CE392

TM02 Dragon Claw

  • AFFC928E 509932B6

TM03 Water Pulse

  • 016E19DE 75C25DE1

TM04 Calm Mind

  • 664B55E0 E3B9ADBE

TM05 Roar

  • 65689C19 E0F8EE35

TM06 Toxic

  • 34FA78EE DF2F9673

TM07 Hail

  • 5219C016 837AA1FB

TM08 Bulk Up

  • D9FF21EF 1E0944EE

TM09 Bullet Seed

  • AF90BCB1 E93C8C8F

TM11 Sunny Day

  • 15B2D27F 2947AA48

TM12 Taunt

  • 1573DF09 BCDE2B56

TM13 Ice Beam

  • E029E841 6918E5A2

TM14 Blizzard

  • 811F83E6 1600B2DE

TM15 Hyper Beam

  • 7F58EBA8 46EF36AF

TM16 Light Screen

  • ACAE9A73 43567E91

TM17 Protect

  • FEBDD9BA 711ECC96

TM18 Rain Dance

  • D611EE66 00008B2B

TM20 Safeguard

  • 2BE8D3B0 FD4E4A72

TM21 Frustration

  • 54268584 FD346B4E

TM22 Solarbeam

  • D268698C C224D8E2

TM23 Iron Tail

  • BBF66105 DF4B9B13

TM25 Thunder

  • 1186081B 0925F6DE

TM26 Earthquake

  • 40B763B9 30FA9092

TM27 Return

  • F35612E8 DF5A3388

TM28 Dig

  • E142FCC3 27F93269

TM29 Psychic

  • 334ADA15 00DD173C

TM30 Shadow Ball

  • 848DF53E 11C03BCB

TM31 Brick Break

  • 7E7C1393 4EA124C2

TM32 Double Team

  • 595504D3 5812DDC0

TM33 Reflect

  • 7F54FD32 38D42C04

TM34 Shock Wave

  • 3262C606 CA96F2AC

TM35 Flamethrower

  • 699901C1 D4146993

TM36 Sludge Bomb

  • 38EA2ABC 9F825022

Choose Wild Pokémon Level

  • Level 0: 78DA95DF 44018CB4
  • Level 1: 8BB602F7 8CEB681A
  • Level 2: 00939804 4086FF3B
  • Level 3: 2BD38F05 D5A578B1
  • Level 4: 5685B807 3787DACB
  • Level 5: A9E4EA45 3651CADD
  • Level 6: E37D365E D7EAB6AB
  • Level 7: 51374592 F7A27768
  • Level 8: A08DD229 10D187E3
  • Level 9: D84D4738 70F68A80
  • Level 10: 4C6C2B8C CD0528EB
  • Level 11: 1F1785AC 433A6DC2
  • Level 12: B4F6F07D 8F56BA40
  • Level 13: E32BCCB1 07782CD6
  • Level 14: D4ABF236 D713B4E0
  • Level 15: 3CD3295F 921F1D1C
  • Level 16: B9C51F47 95395496
  • Level 17: 784E8A1B 83A3E0EF
  • Level 18: 902D754C 80AFE55F
  • Level 19: 9D362B43 96A4D044
  • Level 20: 8C434E48 F703A9E1
  • Level 21: CC449941 F0BBB13A
  • Level 22: CEDDB323 FFA50BB1
  • Level 23: 4688F12F FF9DBE10
  • Level 24: F6DA2242 E2EDA644
  • Level 25: 2D02A8EA 9B748C49
  • Level 26: 9D2895EF 6A2BEE59
  • Level 27: 1BB7262E 80989B57
  • Level 28: 79693C0B A82C5A23
  • Level 29: B98E773A D6E0D6AD
  • Level 30: A457FA67 BCD9C478
  • Level 31: 881976CC 20B658FF
  • Level 32: 0073F88A 0A4E81B6
  • Level 33: 792E7A0F F4BF8DDB
  • Level 34: 0965B686 64E170F2
  • Level 35: C70600E8 789A0DAC
  • Level 36: 0CF8B98B 706A26BE
  • Level 37: 2E7A201E 5EDBDEE3
  • Level 38: 9B169FF5 CBABA5A6
  • Level 39: 7928BBA3 C55BBEAB
  • Level 40: 155D7103 D66B8A15
  • Level 41: 7B9DFCEF 830C6BDA
  • Level 42: BA697C16 93D76910
  • Level 43: CCED8F7A 8EC0F43C
  • Level 44: 58EAABBC FC3CA9C2
  • Level 45: 710D8A2D 45E999F3
  • Level 46: 2EC0F0EC 6B1A061F
  • Level 47: E951E67F BFD89E41
  • Level 48: B743EDBF B82BB83A
  • Level 49: 4BF9418B EFC87C19
  • Level 50: CBEB73A3 90A08906
  • Level 51: 9818C0C6 E03F8431
  • Level 52: 8A448A37 583B581C
  • Level 53: 1855C5A3 70B67919
  • Level 54: 72898F14 3F2CD864
  • Level 55: 3E7B9D1E 5CE7F0DC
  • Level 56: B62795CF CEAE6A48
  • Level 57: 05858D31 D4449EFE
  • Level 58: 314DD562 05A14AD1
  • Level 59: 1DE20256 C4AB72E6
  • Level 60: 202ABE52 BDC4E314
  • Level 61: 8AA97E8E D5A80225
  • Level 62: 8655EB8B 26823B03
  • Level 63: ACFA01BA 15A282DC

Choose wild Pokémon

  • 0000B138000
  • 1003A82A0007
  • 83007D220xxx

Catch Legendary Pokémon

  • Articuno: B8BABB07 1279065D
  • Zapdos: 813E577F C64AB1BA
  • Moltres: 5A8E3C77 1F661F0B
  • Dratini: 439D4063 28AB4F8B
  • Mewtwo: 649DA11D AC382E6A
  • Mew: 13EAA696 65095035
  • Raikou: A10710E4 E472D0F8
  • Entei: 5B01BDB2 183D8C74
  • Suicune: D25A4A77 A675F69A
  • Lugia: 4EECFE9F 27D82240

Max Stats

Max HP

  • 830043B8 03E7

Max attack

  • 830043BA 03E7

Max defense

  • 830043BC 03E7

Max special attack

  • 830043C0 03E7

Max special defense

  • 830043C2 03E7

Max speed

  • 830043BE 03E7

Special Cheats

Beating Elite Level 4

  • Using a KY gore with a level between 80 and 100 is the best approach to defeat the elite level 4, which is the game’s primary objective.

Some recommended moves:

  • Water pulse
  • Thunder
  • Sheer cold
  • Water spout when the enemy has full HP

Cheats for rare candies


  • You will receive 99 rare candies from it, and after you remove them all, you will receive an endless supply of candy.
  • It assists you in choosing the next Pokémon to level up from the entire roster.

Master Code

  • 0000B138000A1003A82A0007

Final Thoughts

Cheats are an excellent method to add extra enjoyment to a Pokemon game. Now it’s time to play and try these cheats yourself!! 

While using cheats can make a game more engaging, they can also completely ruin it as well. 

Since most cheats aren’t compatible with games, always make sure to save the game before using a code to prevent errors or glitches like bad eggs. To fix a game that is crashing or lagging, just restart your emulator or device.

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