A rather slow start of the week regarding new game-related videos, which is quite strange having in mind that companies should do their best in order...
All I can say about the quality of the games made available in the Wii Shop Channel is: WOW! Honestly, with super games like Sonic 2,...
One of the reasons why game developers hate creating games for the PCs is the fact that downloadable content that generates tons of cash to the...
For the fourth week in a row, Call of Duty: World at War remains the best selling game in the UK, probably making Activision’s title the...
A Vampyre Story, the point and click adventure game developed by Autumn Moon Entertainment that was announced no less that four years ago, was recently released...
America’s Army is a game that has two major advantages over others: it is constantly improved upon and it is free. Having these in mind, we’ll...
Not the best news for Sony employees, especially since Christmas is coming: the company announced plans to fire 8,000 people and pull out unprofitable business as...
After just some short waiting from PC gamers, Mirror’s Edge will be made available for PCs and I personally believe that the mouse + keyboard combination...
One thing is clear: Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC is broken and, having in mind that the only possible solution we found for the...
I must admit I am shocked: not one, but two things that should’ve never happened just happened and both are related to what I considered to...