Relic Entertainment has finished the development of the highly anticipated sequel for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War and the final product has reached gold status, which...
Things were quite boring during the past several weeks in the UK sales chart, with Call of Duty: World at War competing for the first position...
Samus Aran will soon return to planet Tallon IV to battle the Space Pirates, as Nintendo plans to bring the successful GameCube title Metroid Prime to...
Dear Xbox 360 owners, I might have some terrible news for you: a new problem is in town to measure its strengths against the infamous RROD:...
It might be true that real rock stars and Harmonix’ Rock Band don’t make a great team, but this does not mean that us, the gamers,...
As you probably know already, there are quite a few voices claiming that PC gaming is dying (or even dead already) and consoles are the future...
Microsoft has announced that it will retire the Gamescore blog in order to focus more on and the Xbox dashboard (although the expense cuts might...
Until now, Call of Duty: World at War fans had to finish the single player campaign in order to be able to play Nacht der Untoten...
Warner Bros. has announced that a demo for their highly anticipated FPS, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin will be up for grabs later this week, on January...
If there are people believing that games like Rock Band can help them become real rock stars, they should change their mind since the reality is...