Ubisoft has just released their financial numbers and the company’s CEO Yves Guilemot announced a bucketload of new titles coming in 2009, including Assassin’s Creed 2,...
It seems that Microsoft scored another point in terms of exclusive content since Eidos announced that two new levels for Tomb Raider: Underworld will be soon...
Capcom announced that we’ll have a really hot summer in North America this year, since that’s when they will be releasing Mega Man Star Force 3...
I’m sure you all remember (with great pleasure, also) the first two Tomb Raider movies in which Angelina Jolie starred and was 90% of the reason...
Nintendo decided to rework and release two beloved GameCube games on Wii consoles: New Play Control! Pikmin and New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis. The two...
The new trend is that of launching “mysterious” countdowns and teasers in order to make the gamers go wild and start making up tons of stories...
It’s never a pleasure to announce that people got fired, but unfortunately that’s what happened at Electronic Arts’ Tiburon studio where an undisclosed number of layoffs...
Not the first company to do so, Sony has announced a revision of its financial forecast for the fiscal year (which ends March 31, 2009) especially...
It’s been a while since our previous Video Watch feature, but I promise you it was worth the wait! Because today we bring you an awesome...
A wacky circus is prepared to make its debut on Nintendo DS handhelds in the second quarter of 200: entitled Crazy Circus and published by dtp...