Epic has absolutely no plans to disappoint us in the future, at least not on matters related to the successful Gears of War franchise. Even more,...
Following the official confirmation of Mass Effect 2 people might be tempted to believe that Bioware’s job with the original Mass Effect is done, but that...
A permanent presence in the European sales charts and a great football simulation as you can see by reading our FIFA 09 review, EA’s game is...
Everybody knew it was coming, but now it’s official: Capcom confirmed that a multi-platform Dead Rising 2 is in development. The developers plan to create a...
This is another week with fewer Wii Shop Channel Releases as usual: just one WiiWare and one Virtual Console title, which should still be enough for...
As strange as it might sound, I never quite enjoyed playing role playing games for a long time, especially because of some bad memories from the...
A while ago a DRM issue struck all PC owners of Gears of War, making the game unplayable if the system’s date was set to anything...
Although Need For Speed Undercover was not as successful as Electronic Arts would’ve liked it to be and even though there are already big plans for...
If you got yourself the recently released Fallout 3 DLC, you should be really happy since that might be everything you’ll be seeing for a while...
Fans of Samus Aran, or at least fans of the Metroid series, will be happy to hear that a new project is in the works. Details...