It could be considered a bit strange to hear it (but great, nevertheless): BioShock 2 will get a simultaneous release on all platforms, which means that...
Terminator Salvation: The Video Game seems to be the game to prove me that the concept “games based on movies suck” due to poor quality is...
Probably we will never know exactly how many people purchased the Lost & Damned DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV, since it’s a digital download, but...
Not the greatest news to end the week with for BioShock fans, as 2K Games confirmed that there will be no Co-op mode in BioShock 2...
Just as I was anticipating when Valve announced the introduction of the Premium DLC feature on Steam, PC gamers are starting to get charged for stuff...
Soon, the luckiest of the Starcraft fans will be part of the beta tests which should kick off sooner rather than later, judging from recent reports...
Video games, no matter if the authorities like it or not, are starting to become part of the history of the human kind and the time...
It’s not a huge surprise to hear that Halo Wars has such a great deal of success on Xbox 360 consoles (it’s a Halo game, after...
If you were starting to get bored by the regular teams in your Xbox 360 or PS3 version of FIFA 09, you should be really pleased...
We’re all social (very social) beings and probably we have by now a huge, lengthy list of friends in Windows Live Messenger. But you probably also...