The folks over at Electronic Arts, even though probably very busy with Need For Speed Shift, still found time to prepare a new and pretty shiny...
The next month will be a true rockstravaganza for Guitar Hero: World Tour owners, with downloadable music from five top bands: The Pixies, Silversun Pickups, Nirvana,...
One would believe that PlayStation 2 games are no longer a priority for developers, but Atlus tries to prove them wrong by remaining faithful to the...
Stealth action fans will be challenged once more to prove their sneaking skills, since 1C Company has announced a sequel to the solid Death to Spies...
The folks over at Sony have decided to offer PlayStation 3 owners a great, great surprise and finally deliver the first reason to get addicted to…...
The 2008 Xbox Live Arcade Awards “ceremony” is over and the Game of the Year was decided: according to Microsoft, that is The Behemoth’s mega-hit Castle...
Ever since Kodu was announced, people started to say that it’s going to be Microsoft’s answer to MediaMolecule’s LittleBigPlanet and people started endless debates trying to...
If you have played the original A Vampyre Story adventure, you will not be too surprised to hear about the sequel. However, it’s good to know...
You’ve got to love Amazon, not just because it offers tons of great products at great prices, but because it manages, every now and then to...
Nintendo is finally getting back to old habits and releases three new games this week for the Virtual Console and WiiWare and at least one of...