The younger gamers probably associate Team 17’s name with the Worms franchise, but the developers actually have a long history with making games. Such a long...
Electronic Arts decided to finally confirm Command & Conquer 4, after everybody else on the planet knew about the game’s existence: there was first a survey...
I did consider FIFA Manager 09 a huge improvement to the series and it seems that Electronic Arts keeps up with the good work, preparing even...
You’re not feeling the effects of the economic downturn yet? Are you in love with collectibles or rare items? Then this article is for you since...
The fact that Command & Conquer 4 is in the works is no longer a big surprise – especially since Electronic Arts had a survey regarding...
The number of people who still play The Witcher must certainly be down, but CD Projekt Red doesn’t care about such details. As a proof, they...
The second part of Watchmen: The End is Nigh will be soon released by Warner Bros to the delight of the fans who were impressed with...
One of the few things that made upset Left 4 Dead fans forget about their anger at Valve for announcing the sequel so soon after the...
Following the surprise announcement of Left 4 Dead 2, the fans got really mad at Valve and promised to boycott the survival shooter. Now things are...
LucasArts appears to have just realized what a huge treasure lies in their classic and such appreciated adventure games and, as a result, they’re bringing them...