Since the original Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim was a real success and a high quality real time strategy game, the holders of the right for...
The final downloadable content for the high quality (but heavily milked) Fallout 3 will be Mothership Zeta and players will be able to get it starting...
After getting the Call of Duty back on the cover, Modern Warfare 2 is more ready than ever to invade our lives and hopefully provide an...
Take Two has announced publicly that they have decided to delay the release of BioShock 2, initially scheduled for November 2009 to fiscal year 2010, probably...
Initially a Half Life 2 mod, Nuclear Dawn will soon become a full blown game developed on the Source Engine and promising a lot of quality....
A new, fresh and highly believable rumor has started to flood the internet, one launched by website 4PlayerCo-op who apparently have a mole inside the Crystal...
What a twist! One of the most anticipate PC games this year, Alan Wake might not be released on PC at all according to game’s lead...
Mechwarrior 4, the latest game in the series released by Microsoft back in 2000 will be offered “soon” for free to gamers all ages, mostly as...
Activision’s upcoming title in the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 2, had a few funny moments regarding it’s title. At first it was called Call...
We have some great news for RPG fans who didn’t know what game to play this weekend: Bethesda has decided to celebrate the 15th anniversary of...