When it comes to Hollywood adaptations of video and computer games, the folks in charge rarely seem to be able to find characters suitable for the...
This week was quite sad for the PC gamers who found out that Infinity Ward has no plans for dedicated servers nor mod support in the...
This year will certainly be a really hot one for football management game fans since not only Football Manager and FIFA Manager are on the market,...
Yesterday all hell broke loose after Infinity Ward’s community manager fourzerotwo admitted that there will be no support for modding nor dedicated servers for Call of...
It will be 26 January 2010 the date you should mark on your calendar if you want to be amongst the first people to play the...
You probably still remember the games of the pre-21st century in which enemies you were hitting had absolutely no reaction to your hits/shots/whatever you were doing...
Even though initially boed by the fans and boycotted, Left 4 Dead 2 remains one of the most anticipated games to be released this year and...
Activision were silently preparing for one of the most anticipated game launches of the year, that of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, until they decided...
Oh, boy! I love these moments when game developers or publishers start making plans for a sequel to a game that wasn’t released yet… Unfortunately this...
The list of Left 4 Dead 2 achievements that can be unlocked by those who go for the Xbox 360 version of Valve’s upcoming game has...