Great news, Starcraft fans! Blizzard has finally confirmed officially that the Starcraft II beta stage will begin in 2010. Lots of rumors regarding the beginning of...
The biggest FPS of the year is here, yet PC owners of Modern Warfare 2 are starting to report some strange problems with the game that...
Electronic Arts just released a press statement sharing with the world that they had a net revenue of $1.15 Billion in the past quarter, meaning that...
I think that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 can easily win the award for the most controversial release in the series, especially when it comes...
Even though Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 becomes less and less of a dream come true for PC gamers, Activision’s first person shooter game will...
The Left 4 Dead 2 demo is out and amazing, but one little problem remains: the fact that you can’t play as an infected and spread...
I was congratulating BioWare yesterday for the release of Dragon Age: Origins who only had some minor launch problems with very few users reporting that the...
The fact that some game developers and publishers love to take a dump on the computer gamers community is well known already, but it is always...
The Codies are planning to improve the PC users’ Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising experience starting today with the release of the first downloadable content pack –...
Dragon Age: Origins has just been released and I noticed that BioWare did a really great job with the game, at least regarding bugs, freezes and...