Many people are waiting anxiously for the upcoming update for Skyrim, update 1.4 (or patch 1.4 if you prefer to call it as they did in...
Earlier this week I previewed the brand new Zerg units announced for Starcraft 2’s expansion, Heart of the Swarm. This next article will focus on the...
I don’t know if there are many people waiting to play The Darkness 2 – personally, I was not a huge fan of the first in...
The highly anticipated Max Payne 3 will come a little later than initially expected, but still by the end of Spring, so pretty soon we’ll be...
Pretty soon, we’ll be able to play Jagged Alliance: Back in Action: Kalypso announced that the game will hit game store shelves on February 10th this...
Let me preface this by saying I am not a teenager. No, in fact I am barely still in my 20s. I’ll turn 28 in 4...
Torrent monitoring website Torrent Freak has published a list of the most pirated games of 2011 and, unfortunately for those who support PC gaming, the PC...
A new Skyrim patch has been released by Bethesda, the 1.3.10 patch and it fixes quite a few bugs and glitches, bringing the game to the...
2012 appears to be a really bad year – for our pockets – because we have what appears to be the best line-up of coming up...
2011 was a pretty solid year if we are to think about the number of quality PC games released (you can check out Unigamesity’s Top 10...