I don’t want to imagine how frantically people work over at the Blizzard headquarters now after a Barbarian exploit has been discovered in Diablo 3, making...
Arma 2 has become more popular than ever thanks to its zombie survival mod DayZ and the developers are now hard at work making sure that...
Bethesda have rolled out the Skyrim Update 1.7 which brings a host of very much needed bug fixes, as well as the Mounted Combat update for...
Those playing a wizard in Diablo 3 can turn into Gods and become immortal by using one exploit that was found by one Diablo 3 player....
I recently downloaded a free-to-play title on Steam by the name of Blacklight: Retribution which seemed like it would be an adequate investment of my time...
Zombie survival mod for Arma 2, DayZ, becomes more and more popular as people hurry to the servers trying their luck in the zombie infested world...
Four new screenshots from the upcoming Crysis 3 game have emerged and I am sure that nobody will be surprised to hear (and see) that they...
It appears that Day Z has become a model to follow: The War Z survival shooter-MMO has been announced and by the looks of it, it...
As you probably know already, The Sims 3: Supernatural brings the “opportunity” to have our Sim turned into a zombie! Fortunately, this is not permanent and...
A very surprising update has been announced today for The Sims 3: Supernatural is the name of the update and it brings two characters that we...