Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures is an action-adventure video game based on the first three movies in the Lego Indiana Jones series. It was developed...
The Legend Of Spyro: Dawn Of The Dragon is the final installment in the Legend of Spyro series of action-adventure titles. It was developed by Etranges...
Lair is a dragon-riding single player action game set in a fantasy universe. It was developed by Factor 5 and published by Sony exclusively on PlayStation...
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (also known as Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight) is a mecha simulation action game exclusive for PlayStation 3 consoles. It was...
Kung Fu Panda is an action-adventure video game based on the animation film of the same name. It was developed by Luxoflux and published by Activision....
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore is a karaoke game developed on a similar technology to that used in Rock Band. The game was developed by...
Iron Man is an action game based on the fictional character and movie of the same name. The game was developed by Secret Level and published...
Initial D: Extreme Stage is a racing game developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3 and, at the moment of writing, only available in Japan. The game...
High Velocity Bowling is a bowling game available via the PlayStation Network only. The game is the result of in-house development, being developed and published by...
Heavenly Sword is a successful action-adventure game with hack and slash elements that introduced the beautiful Nariko. The game was developed by Ninja Theory and published...