In a reversal of their previous stance, Square Enix have announced that gameplay from the newly released Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn can be monetised...
Peggle 2 will launch as an Xbox One exclusive, lead producer Jared Neuss has said. The exclusive deal does have a time limit, and once it...
Players will no longer have to worry about holding onto their saves due to a new save modifier called Dragon Age Keep, Bioware announced today. Dragon...
Fable Developer Lionhead Studios will be shifting its development focus to online games, studio head John Needham has said. Speaking to Digital Spy, Needham outlined his...
Due to issues with log in servers slowing to a crawl, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has temporarily been removed from digital stores, Square Enix...
Microsoft will be unveiling new surprises at their PAX Prime booth, Microsoft’s Major Nelson said today in a statement. Microsfot’s booth will feature “games that I’m...
Buying a PS4 game with your smartphone will cause the console to start downloading even when you’re out of the home, Shuhei Yoshida announced today. According...
Rockstar today unveiled the weapons, vehicles and character buffs that players will receive for ordering the Collector’s Edition of GTA V. A .50 Calibre Pistol, Shotgun...
Youtubers won’t be able to monetise gameplay of FFXIV A Realm Reborn, publisher Square Enix revealed today in a material usage license. The document states that “You...
Five new customisable game modes will be available in the upcoming Deadliest Warrior expansion for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, the developers announced today. Acting as a tie...