At first you might dismiss the Tend Here and Hands Off signs as nothing. You might ask why buy the two signs at all. Actually these...
Counterfeit Tickets are required to complete jobs in South Africa. We still have a few more hours before Challenge Mission: South Africa Chapter 1 unlocks but...
Frontierville lets you hire your neighbors to do tasks in your homestead but you can only hire two friends per day. Hiring a friend makes you...
You might have seen the pop up that announced the Must Play Weekend Event but the reason for playing Mafia Wars during this weekend was not...
Gone in 60 Hours is an event that’s part of Mafia Wars Second Year Anniversary celebration. It is a Chop Shop event where you can build...
After getting married, the next step is to get a child in Frontierville. You get a Kid in the game by completing the Get Ready for...
A few weeks ago Mafia Wars had a Global Cup Event to commemorate the start of the FIFA World Cup 2010. Part of the event had...
When your Frontierville family grows big, you might have a hard time keeping tabs on your spouse and your kids. Zynga solved this problem by providing...
All the talks of a Mafia Wars movie reminded me of the upcoming feature in the game called Fight Club. With Las Vegas going live any...
Every day the weather changes in Frontierville. Just like in real life, it can affect things in the game. Each day you get a bonus depending...