The next-generation of gaming has arrived and with the imminent beginning of 2014, a new whole cycle arises. The upcoming titles for PC, PlayStation and Xbox...
The protagonist of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is Edward Kenway, an ancestor of Desmond Miles. This ambitious man always wanted to become something more than...
The Sage’s Buried Secrets is a puzzle quest where players must display certain pieces correctly in order to unlock a treasure’s door. This is the third...
Nothing is True is the second mission from This Old Cove campaign assignment. This is a stealth mission and Edward cannot be detected by the tribal...
The browser-based fantasy MMORPG League of Angels has entered in closed beta today. Players are now able to test and enjoy the game, while being able...
WEBZEN announced today that Allods Online latest expansion, Lords of Destiny Wind of Changes, is now live on all European and American servers. The content pack...
Marvelous Games and Daylight Studios released today Conquest Age, a new action RPG title for iOS. In this game set in the world-spanning regions of the Dracon...
Every game has its secrets and Call of Duty Ghosts (CODG) is full of them. In fact, for a first-person shooter title it surely has a...
Square Enix released today a new Inside the Square movie, where the company unveils some of the mysterious behind the development of the upcoming Lightning Returns:...
Lindsay Lohan is preparing an accusation against Rockstar Games because she believes that the company has used her image without her express permission. According to,...