The browser-based fantasy MMO, City of Steam has been purchased back by Mechanist Games. The company clarified that this acquisition only concerns the English version of...
Pandora Saga has received a huge update pack with new content for PvP and PvE, including a battle arena and an extended level cap. Marvelous USA announced...
Mass Effect 4 (ME 4) is currently being developed by BioWare and very few is known about the upcoming plot and characters. What’s vastly known, however,...
In Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5), the world is everything but normal, when robberies and murders take over the daily life, then, you know that...
Proteus is expanding its horizons and its going to release on Sony’s consoles next week. Curve Studios announced today that the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita...
The independent games developer, Bitbox, officially announced today the development of its newest creation Life is Feudal, an upcoming medieval MMORPG. This project has been going...
RuneScape is expanding its virtual world by welcome a new instance, The God Wars Dungeon has come to stay. But this wasn’t a decision strictly made...
The Facebook’s title Village Life received a mobile version today, announced Playdemic. The company pretends to establish a full cross-platform experience to allow players to access their...
IceGames announced that Naruto Saga’s closed beta is going live today. The testing phase will run during six days, ending on 29th October. This new browser-based...
How would the world of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) be without bad guys? I suppose it wouldn’t be at all. Bad guys are a complete plague;...