Morrigan was one of the main characters in Dragon Age Origins and she is known for being cold, apathetic and egocentric. She is a witch of...
Solar Flux is the new mobile title from Firebrand Games and is now available for iOS. The company also released a pocket version with special adaptions for smartphones...
Tom Clancy’s EndWar Online is an upcoming browser-based MMO developed by Ubisoft scheduled to be released before the end of the year. This title will presents a war scenario, where the...
A new champion will be joining League of Legends in the upcoming weeks. Riot Games presented today a mysterious samurai character called Yasuo. His background story involve betrayal,...
Mass Effect 4 is still far ahead from being released and as so, the upcoming plot and timeline are still unknown, however the sequel logic has...
GTArcade announced today that the browser-based title, League of Angels, will be playable later this year. The closed beta is expected to launch before the end...
Curve Studios and Curve Digital announced the release of Stealth Inc for November 14th. This stealthy-puzzle title is finally coming to the mobile world. Curve Studios’ design...
The StarCraft II World Championship series took place today and the world’s champion of the year is already know. The protoss player Yoo Jin “s0s” Kim clearly defeated...
Battlefield 4 has evolved. But if the visuals and immersion levels have substantially advanced, the general gameplay mechanisms and the class system have remained somewhat the...
BioWare has recently announced that basically any old character could return to Dragon Age Inquisition, as long as it makes sense in the upcoming narrative. This...